Woodlands Federation

The Woodlands Federation

St Peter's CE (VC) First School

We form the The Woodlands Federation with Talbot First School in Kingstone


First School

Woodlands Federation

The Square, Marchington, Staffordshire, ST14 8LH


01283 820252

Religious Education

Our Church

St Peter's school has close links with St Peter's Church in Marchington. The children attend the Church for services throughout the year - Harvest, Christmas, Easter and end of the school year. They are also able to visit the church for other services and Curriculum enrichment activities. We have regular visits from our vicar Rev Jules Walker and also are lucky to be supported by Maggie Hatchard Worship Leader and the wider church community. Maggie supports school by leading regular worships as well as leading services in church.

In addition we work in partnership with the Lichfield Diocese and Cathedral to develop and grow further in Christ.

Through our links with St Peters church we aim to support and work with the community of Marchington.


Supporting Charities

Throughout the year, we support variety of local, national and international charities. For example the children took part in a 'dolphin day' where a donation was made to Dreamflight. The children dressed in blue and created artwork to decorate the plane and raised money for vulnerable children, and those with additional health conditions for the dolphin group. 


Collective Worship

Every school day has a Collective Worship, this involves both pupil led worship and adult led worship. We have visits from our local church leaders and clergy from our local churches to enrich our worship experience and broaden our learning experience within the community.



 Staffordshire Agreed Syllabus For Religious Education.pdfDownload
 Woodlands Federation RE Overview.pdfDownload
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