Woodlands Federation

The Woodlands Federation

St Peter's CE (VC) First School

We form the The Woodlands Federation with Talbot First School in Kingstone


First School

Woodlands Federation

The Square, Marchington, Staffordshire, ST14 8LH


01283 820252


What is a Parent Teachers Friends Association (PTFA)?
Most schools have a Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA), which is an organisation of parents, staff and associated people such as grandparents etc. Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school. PTFAs are best known for their fundraising work, but they have a useful social function too. Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.


What is Friends of Marchington School?

Friends of Marchington School, or FOMS, is the name that we give to our PTFA. It is a registered charity, run on a voluntary basis of which all parents and guardians of children attending St Peter's are members of. 


What are FOMS's aims?

The main objective of FOMS is to work in partnership with the school and parents, to enhance the education and well-being of St Peter's School pupils by providing resources and activities for the children as well as augmenting the facilities provided by the Local Authority.



What do the FOMS actually do?

FOMS plays an important role in the life of the school and assists it in a number of ways, by:

  • Fundraising for projects, resources and equipment
  • Providing social events to unite and bring the school’s community together
  • Providing an opportunity for parents to make a tangible difference to their children’s educational experiences, and to be proud of their input and achievements
  • Providing refreshments and support for school led activities, such as concerts and sports day.

Delivering these objectives is only possible through the commitment and enthusiasm of everyone involved - thank you!


How can I get involved?

The good news, is that as a parent or guardian of a child at St Peter's, you are automatically a member of the PTFA.  There are many ways in which you can become an active member and the committee always welcomes and encourages new offers of help.  Support from a broad range of parents ensures that there is a breadth of representative opinions from all year groups and also capitalises on the talents, skillsets and experience of all involved to help our school flourish.


What are the benefits of getting involved?

Meeting new people, knowing more about what goes on at St Peter's CE (VC) First School, having a say in how money should be allocated, and making a difference to the pupils experience at the school are just some of the benefits you will gain by being involved with our PTFA.


Our meetings are open to everyone, so why not come along to one and listen to the range of topics being discussed – you can contribute as much or as little as you wish and can chose to get involved with as much or as little as you choose. Be sure to join our Facebook page for more information on our latest meeting.


If your family commitments prevent you from attending FOMS meetings there are still plenty of opportunities to be involved.  Please speak to a member of FOMS to discuss what involvement you would like to have and we will work with you to tailor your involvement to your own circumstances.  Sometimes you may feel that your offer of help can only be small and therefore not worth mentioning, please do still come forward because your help really can make all the difference to the committee.


If you would like any further information about the FOMS, or if you are interested in becoming an active member or joining the committee, or if you have suggestions or ideas about fund-raising, please do not hesitate to speak with any of the officers or alternatively email us at the address below, we are always grateful for any communication received.


We look forward to your support over the coming year.


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